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  • Writer's pictureIni Oluwa

Art; Individual Expression or Social Influence?

Updated: Jul 8, 2021

Are you a creator? Or are you an entrepreneur? Are you at the forefront of anything? If you are any of these, there would always be a constant battle raging in your mind.

It is the question of “me or them?” The question: “Am I pursuing my dream for myself, or for others?” To answer this question, you must choose yourself. The creators who have invented the most groundbreaking things did it for self-actualization, not for social applause. That is why they are great. The man who invented fire was probably burnt at the stake with the fire he invented. The man who invented anesthesia was an agent of the devil to his contemporaries. If these people had created for social applause, we would never have encountered their inventions. The impressionist artists in those days, in France, were looked down upon. But for the good of self-actualization, they persisted, and they excelled. In this day and age, we have the media and “woke” culture doing everything to stifle the spirit of an individual by portraying the need for a certain “societal” goal masked by charity. A certain pressure for all creators to sell their individual souls to the need of the “society”. My message to all creators is this: “Assert your individuality!’

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